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On 25, June, 2019 the representatives of 10 Local Churches came to Kyiv to congratulate Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine on his 75th birthday and 5th anniversary since enthronement day and to support the canonic Ukrainian Orthodox Church. ....mehr
Last summer, famed Orthodox patrologist and philosopher Jean-Claude Larchet, Ph.D. made a jarring suggestion at a session of the International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care in Crete (DMOPC18). The Orthodox Church should, in his view, officially call for Her faithful to abstain during fasting periods from using the internet in general and social media in particular. Dr Larchet said, in part: “Completely cutting oneself off from media of any kind during the Lenten periods is an ideal solution for finding the hesychiaindispensable to the deepening of the spiritual life, which is precisely the main goal of the fasting periods.” ....mehr
As an independent news portal, Orthodoxia-News wants to publish plural opinions and encourage discourse . We are thankful for a statement by one of the parties in the conflict. ....mehr
This text is copied from the webseite „Orthodox Life“. ....mehr
Am heutigen Tag hat die Griechisch-Orthodoxe Metropolie von Chicago die Inthronisation ihres neuen Metropoliten gefeiert. Der neue Metropolit Nathanael sprach von einem Neubeginn in seiner Diözese. Das berichtet Newswire.
Ebenso versprach der Bischof, Christus den Gläubigen näher zu bringen. Das solle nicht durch die Konzentration auf die Finanzen, sondern durch eine lebendige Spiritualität geschehen. Der Nachfolger des Metropoliten Iakovos will die Probleme der Kirche Chicagos angehen. Die Beziehungen zwischen leitenden Mitarbeitern der Metropolie, Gläubigen und Angestellten ist zerrüttet. Vorwürfe der Gläubigen, Metropolit Iakovos habe Missbräuche in seiner Metropolie nicht beachtet, hätten zu Problemen innerhalb der Metropolie geführt. (ar)